Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sage or Kelp..Napkin Choice???

Out of all the questions you will ask yourself while planning your event, napkin color and cost seems to really bog people down. I follow the philosophy that if I can buy it for cheaper than I can rent then buy! Colby (my husband) hates this about me. I have an attic and garage filled with event goodies.

I was faced with this very decision and thought there was no way out except to rent expensive napkins that weren't even the right color. Then I found tablelinensforless.com with a variety of colors that were cheaper than I could rent them for. I found these beautiful "kelp" colored napkins. This was the natural decision for me since I actually received my Masters degree studying a type of algae known as kelp (specifically Pelagophycus porra).

Well, get ready for the sad part. I did what every bride does and I waited too long and it sold out. So if you find a color you love act quick or choose a different color. So I now own 180 sage colored napkins. Sage napkins for spring, Christmas, St. Patrick's Day and pretty much the rest of the year.

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