Friday, September 9, 2011

Fried Green Tomatoes

This year my tomato plant went absolutely nuts. I am so happy to have a piece of earth to call my own in Los Angeles. My urban garden is 6X12' raised bed that my husband built for me. My tomato plants took over the garden then the eight foot wall and then the 12 foot lattice only to attempt to conquer my neighbors tree. So what to do with all the tomatoes? I have made sauces galore, bruschetta is a nightly occurrence and of course fried green tomatoes.

The most important aspect of making fried green tomatoes is after slicing them place them on a cooling rack with a paper towel to dry before frying.

Did I mention my 3 year old chocolate lab, Troubles, likes to pick tomatoes. She doesn't eat them, but instead very gingerly places them on the doorstep. My label for this years sauce is called "The Troubled Tomato" with her picture on it.

Did you know the average American eats 22lbs of tomatoes a year? To find out more tomato facts and how to prepare and buy the freshest tomato check out:

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